

Friday, October 26, 2012

Hey There Fancy Pants

Sometimes we all get jobs (woot). Then we wake up too early for those jobs and end up hanging out with each other super early in the morning, but it gives me a chance to...

...look at the first snow of the year!

  ...remember that I don't have to wear this outfit today, or bring anyone extra pats of butter (PS- I hate that--why are they called "pats"? Are they reassuring, or something? Maybe that's why butter is a "comfort food.")

...admire my new Mary Poppins boots, that were supposed to be just for Halloween, but seem to be on my feet all the time.

...take a fancy-pants work clothes picture, which ended up looking like we're heading to a Christmas party.

Moose also wore a red sweater, but he had to take the picture, so he wasn't included.

We're heading up to Logan for Halloween festivities. Yay!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Academic Accomplishments

When one wins an essay contest, they must take an academic head shot. I found a great Pinterest board on this subject, that guided my posing. Jackson and I had a bit of a photo shoot. Here's Jackson's direction:

"One, two, three, turn..."

"Touch your face."

 "Write something...arty."

 "Read a book. two books."

 "Oooh a calculator."

 He's very critical.

Jackson, making fun of me. And Dave Ramsey. And me and Dave Ramsey.
We took a break to play with our fuzzy philosophers. 

Here's a picture of Derrida.

Here's another picture of Derrida. Oh wait, that's me! Gotta work on that "come hither" look though.

Anyway, I'm genuinely stoked that I won an essay prize and will be published next year. Dave Ramsey will be stoked about the $1000 smackers that comes with it!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good Lookin' in Logan

Today Jackson and I invaded Michael's business trip. This meant we got to travel to Logan. During the trip, Jackson told me the plot of The Incredible Adventures of Food Boy, currently found on Netflix, which made it fly by. We headed to Green Canyon, because, well, it's beautiful and the sort of thing I always seem to do. See -->

Here are our official roommate pictures (sans Moose).
 We weren't quite ready for self timer on this one. Well, perhaps Michael was posin'.

 Jackson (aka crazy-eyes) is telling Michael how to model.

 Jackson? Nailed it. Sarah? Rock awesome. Michael? Went for the cross arms?

It all pulled together.

Good work, team.