It seems like every time we go to the yurt, I feel the need to blog about it. Why? Because it's pretty great. Anytime you can feel like a mountain person (mountain man/woman) while still sleeping in a bed, using a refrigerator, and enjoying 60 degrees. The disadvantage? Peeing outdoors in single digits. Brrrrrr.
I once again marveled at the power of snowshoes. It seems crazy that two over-sized dinner plates can allow you to frolic through snow drifts. My highlight was climbing a short hill and then going straight off the edge--I sort of floated down the cliff. I also saw a coyote, which was a bit frightening since I hangout with a dopey Moose.
I also enjoyed experimenting with my beautiful new camera. Luckily, my uncle, Dean, is an expert and he helped me every time I forgot what exactly "iso" means. Here are a million pictures (I
told you I was playing with my camera).

Clearing off snow.
Diane, lending a friend a hand.
There are some men and dogs in there somewhere.
I'm convinced that Rusty is making complicated symbols for aliens, or military drones, or fairies.
I tried to make a snow angel, but the dogs weren't helpful.
Family photo. Moose seems to be trying to figure out what we're doing.
Michael and Dean, enjoying yurtly comforts.
Stay chill, Budda.
last time we hiked into the yurt? It was a much crazier.