I'm a wee bit bleary-eyed at the moment after spending far too much of the last few days reading about how freshman interpret the layout of their campus art museum. Two things:
- The museum floor plan is NOT "just like IKEA"
- There is no excuse for writing "I guess" in a formal assignment. When did this start happening? Why does the graduating class of 2016 start (and/or end) each sentence with "I guess"?!
Anyway, one time my mom and I met Katie Couric. Don't believe me?
The pics don't lie!
It was very fun to watch the filming of a TV show--I don't think I would have cared what show I was watching, because I really enjoyed watching the crew scurry around.
We're pumped...and it's 8:30 in the morning! So much fun with my mom.
I did get a bit impatient when they adjusted the little sectional couches for the fortieth time. I've decided that the best odd job I can think of is to be a seat filler for audience member's with full bladders. Each time one person leaves a nice looking guy runs over to fill their seat and smiles. Awesome. I would rock at that job.
This probably doesn't need to be said, but Katie Couric is really nice. She is. She's a nice person. She told Will.I.Am (how do you spell that) that she really admired his....music talent philanthropic efforts. Seriously though, would anyone like a Will.I.Am CD? We also saw Zooey Deschanel. I don't want to leak anything before the show airs (May 8th, by the way) but she was quirky, humble, and a little old fashioned. She wore a short dress, and she had bangs. Have I gone too far? Will The Katie Show producers shut this blog down for leaking show secrets? She was fun to watch though. If I had a teenage daughter I would want her to look up to Zooey Deschanel, over, say, Lindsay Lohan or Rihanna.
I am off to go read about how much the Utah State art museum reminds my students of a corn maze. Gah...