

Monday, May 6, 2013

You Work on Commission, Right?

Our last morning in Hollywood, we went to Rodeo drive. I was window shopping in its most pure form, since a) there was no way we could afford anything in any of the stores and b)we were there at 10:00am on a Sunday morning, so they were all closed anyway.

 My mom and I considered morphing ourselves into the Hilton Sisters. Turns out it's pretty expensive though.

 Just chillin.

Window shopping.

And thus concludes my excessive blogging about our trip. Woot.

Los Art

Lot's of "Sarah and Susan win a Trip to Hollywood" posts lately. Probably my favorite part of our trip was a visit to LACMA. It was pretty great.  I think the Getty is a beautiful place, but this museum had some of that CA art "we don't care" (but we secretly do) attitude. Gotta love the west!

Outside the Museum. Chris Dunker.

 The building was deliciously 70s.

 A museum intern took this picture for us. I hope he's not an aspiring photographer.

This was probably our favorite thing. Giant car city. Those blurs are 1100 matchbox cars. Also by Chris Dunker/
 View from above.

So nice to be in real museums.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hello Katie

I'm a wee bit bleary-eyed at the moment after spending far too much of the last few days reading about how freshman interpret the layout of their campus art museum. Two things:
 - The museum floor plan is NOT "just like IKEA"
 - There is no excuse for writing "I guess" in a formal assignment. When did this start happening? Why does the graduating class of 2016 start (and/or end) each sentence with "I guess"?! 

Anyway, one time my mom and I met Katie Couric. Don't believe me?

 The pics don't lie!

It was very fun to watch the filming of a TV show--I don't think I would have cared what show I was watching, because I really enjoyed watching the crew scurry around. 

 We're pumped...and it's 8:30 in the morning! So much fun with my mom.

I did get a bit impatient when they adjusted the little sectional couches for the fortieth time. I've decided that the best odd job I can think of is to be a seat filler for audience member's with full bladders. Each time one person leaves a nice looking guy runs over to fill their seat and smiles. Awesome. I would rock at that job. 

This probably doesn't need to be said, but Katie Couric is really nice. She is. She's a nice person. She told Will.I.Am (how do you spell that) that she really admired talent philanthropic efforts. Seriously though, would anyone like a Will.I.Am CD? We also saw Zooey Deschanel. I don't want to leak anything before the show airs (May 8th, by the way) but she was quirky, humble, and a little old fashioned. She wore a short dress, and she had bangs. Have I gone too far? Will The Katie Show producers shut this blog down for leaking show secrets? She was fun to watch though. If I had a teenage daughter I would want her to look up to Zooey Deschanel, over, say, Lindsay Lohan or Rihanna.

I am off to go read about how much the Utah State art museum reminds my students of a corn maze. Gah...