

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bookshelves are Sexy

My blog titles are so provocative sometimes. Anyway, sometime soon I'll be able to post pictures of the apartment. I hit a small snag in the general moving in process- its a chaise lounge and it's big and red and doesn't fit and can't be returned and it laughs at me every time I turn my back. IKEA might be great for some things but returns aren't one of them. There's a picture below of Jackson being the number one pushcart driver in all pf the parking lot (back when the lounge was still fun).

I guess there was another small snag--a snafu, I'd you will--BOOKS! Where did we get all of these books? Plus, Michael got a job (which is amazing and fantastic), but guess what it involves? Reading and carrying a lot of books. Not little baby books, but big honking textbooks. He also gets a discount on all the books that his publisher publisher (he's working for a company that rhymes with Shmorton), so we'll now have a steady stream of free books.

We spent last night arguing about whose version of what book was better (I lost EVERY time, because I'm a bathtubber), but even though it's binding is so stretched that it won't even close, I couldn't get rid of Anna Karenina. And nobody can make me. I've included a few pictures of our current dilemma. We're trying to craft a shrinking spell so we can carry all our books like Hermione. I'll let you know how that goes.

I should probably point out that I am not in fact upset about the fact that Michael and I spend our nights arguing for books; it's actually kind if awesome, but you probably already figured that out.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yay about the job, that's great!!