

Friday, October 12, 2012

Academic Accomplishments

When one wins an essay contest, they must take an academic head shot. I found a great Pinterest board on this subject, that guided my posing. Jackson and I had a bit of a photo shoot. Here's Jackson's direction:

"One, two, three, turn..."

"Touch your face."

 "Write something...arty."

 "Read a book. two books."

 "Oooh a calculator."

 He's very critical.

Jackson, making fun of me. And Dave Ramsey. And me and Dave Ramsey.
We took a break to play with our fuzzy philosophers. 

Here's a picture of Derrida.

Here's another picture of Derrida. Oh wait, that's me! Gotta work on that "come hither" look though.

Anyway, I'm genuinely stoked that I won an essay prize and will be published next year. Dave Ramsey will be stoked about the $1000 smackers that comes with it!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

There is truly a Pinterest board for everything.