

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Zealand, Part 10: Christchurch

We took a quick drive to Christchurch after our whale-watching adventures. After spending quite a few days in the country, I was looking forward to being in a city. We had heard about the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, but I was not ready to see all the aftermath.

I'm not sure what I expected, but the city center was still a wasteland. There was an "earthquake tour" run by a few kids with rickshaws...that did not feel right.

One of the very inspiring results of the earthquake, was a city-wide art event, where artists and community members filled empty spaces. Voids in the heart of the city, where buildings were demolished and cleared, were filled with scenes. We saw a paper beach, a mini-golf course, a fire pit and a few others. Each night for a week, Christchurchians and visitors were encouraged to explore the city again.

There were also a lot of mixed media art pieces made with recycled materials, borrowed from the rubble. There was a community center where locals could go to rebuild furniture from wood scraps. Although I was a bit disappointed by the lack of infrastructure and general feeling of a construction zone, were I to move to New Zealand, this is where I'd want to be. The process of renewal and rebuilding creates a community spirit that I find inspiring. I think it would be hard to be without a cause in that city. It's an opportunity to create a city--welcome to Utopia, eh?

 Memorial near the cathedral.

 Know any engineers? Send them to Cristchurch.

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