

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Welcome to Miami

Here comes an update about something that happened a few months ago. I am not a live tweeter—I am a post (post) facto blogger.

After our whirlwind trip to Universal Studios to visit Harry and the gang, we visited Peter and Steph in Miami. I now understand why Will Smith was so interested in this city. 

What a beautiful place. Ten points, five starts, two thumbs up. I will say, I do not feel inclined to drive around Miami –who wants to get in a fender-bender with a Bentley after all? I also am not sure I have get away with wearing a sun hat. At least I am naturally tan.

See? Naturally tan.

The food was delicious and the beachy atmosphere makes me what to drink slushy drinks and stop wearing pants.

We visited the Wynwood Walls, a set of murals made of cheap, acryllic paints or spray paint. These works seem to be made special and also neutered by their location in a fenced-in gallery space. They have a graffiti kind of feel to them, but are also obviously controlled and commissioned. 

Every year that I teach online my students debate the dreaded question, “Is graffiti art?” I do not ask this question, but it always seems to come up in conversation. My most frequent response to this question is something like:

I don’t think graffiti is art, because drawing on a train is not the same as painting the Sistine Chapel.

That student is stating a fact—they are not the same—but she/he is certainly not answering the whole question. 

As a side rant, I should probably give you the real student’s response instead of my edited version above. Here it is:

Honestly, I don’t think graffiti is art because drawing on a train is not the same as painting the Sistine Chapel. But thats just my personal opinion!

Thank you, student for expressing your opinions that are personal and for telling the truth—I hate when you’re not honest. At this point, I find the whole graffiti conversation boring (I also want to ban the word “honestly” from the vocabulary of 19-year-olds everywhere); however, when I was walking through these commissioned murals in Miami, I couldn’t help thinking about my students’ discussion. I think I hit upon an important question: How does money play into the status of graffiti as an art form?

I’ll see what they come up with. Like most teachers who pose questions, I hope they will talk about the fines associated with vandalism and the concept of commissioned art work, which always begs the question: If I asked you to do something and paid you to do it, is it my piece of art or yours? I also hope my students will be honest.

Thank you, Miami, for spicing up my online discussions.

I had never been swimming in the ocean in water that was so warm and clear. I’m telling you, pants are for losers. 

While we walked down to the beach, we saw the filming of Ride Along 2 starring Kevin Hart and Ice Cube. Ice Cube invited me to a club, but I didn’t want to ditch my less cool friends. You see, he only wanted me to come based on my insightful blog, which he reads regularly.

Our last night we went on a speed boat ride that sent us around the crazy expensive ocean-side properties. 

 Action shots!

$$$ This one had its own island. $$$

The sunset was free though.

Overall, we had a lovely trip with Peter and Steph. I like seeing my friends frequently, but part of me would prefer if they all moved around the world, so I could  have more excuses to go visit amazing places.

PS - Steph started an online store which is kind of awesome. I have just purchased my first Wrinkled Dreams item of clothing, which means I will soon get clothes in the mail. Honestly, I really like getting clothes in the mail. But that is just my personal opinion!

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