

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Zealand, Part 1: Auckland

The thing about flying for one million hours, is you get off the plane and then you're somewhere amazing. Whenever I would tell people where I was going, the first thing they would say was "whew, long plane ride." If there isn't a honeymoon and a New Zealand at the end of the plane ride, I may have shared their attitude, I had such a busy week leading up to our Friday night flights to L.A. and then to Auckland was about the most relaxing thing that has ever happened. I just tore open that plastic bag, and snuggled into my blanket. We were even one row from a baby, who just smiled and slept in a little bassinet that attached to the wall of the plane for 13 hours, as if to say "you all judged me when you saw me come on the plane---well, HA!" Also, have you seen the Air New Zealand safety video? Pretty hilarious.

We hopped off the plane and into a car. I drove around the parking lot roughly forty seven times to try to convince my brain that driving on the left was totally an ok thing to do. I never quite mastered the signal (kept turning on the windshield wipers) so I just rolled down the window and yelled when I was making a move. Poor New Zealanders. We made it into Auckland with time to change into shorts and do some small jumps for joy.

See I even parked. Whew.

 The Auckland Tower didn't look too impressive from the ground. But the view coming out of the elevator was pretty amazing and I liked the glass sections of the floor. Two steps up from the Seattle Spaceneedle, if you ask me.
 One of the attendants was complaining about the dark weather. Michael just starred at him--we'd left 9 degrees and inversion at home.

 Michael is standing on the glass section of the floor, very carefully not looking down.

Look at that color!

We spent the rest of the day walking around Auckland, hugging big trees and meeting small penguins.

We also walked for three or four miles around the harbor, which was mostly filled with local runners. How would you like to run along the ocean like that? Although, I wouldn't recommend more than one or two days in Auckland, it was a very pretty city to wander around.

Did I mention this? Now that's what I call a cheese plate.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Because New Zealand was Beautiful

I'm planning a blog series about our honeymoon, because this is a de-facto diary for me, and I don't want to forget any part of it. We were so thankful to all of our family and friends who contributed to our honeymoon. We used any money we received for the wedding and saved a bit ourselves. I didn't regret a penny. Except for that time that I scratched the rental car and they charged us $3000. That part I regret (Don't worry, we're getting it back form our insurance). That parking garage wall, man, just lept out in front of me.

We are back in town now, and very excited for Christmas festivities. Get ready for some serious blogging. Here's a preview.

My 7th grade heart, that watched Lord of the Rings extras all day long, just exploded. My 25-year-old heart was pretty happy too.

He's huge!

 Before glow worm caves. My favorite thing.

 Hiking an active volcano, Mt Taranaki.

Wellington. Such a pretty city.

Queenstown, our favorite city and final stop. 

 Jumping for joy.

Milford Sound, we only have phone pictures, but even they are beautiful. 

After our little plane ride. So excited!

Let's all move there. Any takers?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Great Salt Adventure

Moose and I took a trip to walk along the Great Salt Lake near Farmington. Meanwhile, Michael went on a "man's weekend" where the only thing he took was a change of socks and three pounds of bacon. Most of my visits to the lake involved my third grade class and lots of free taffy, but this time, I mostly just watched Moose chase ducks through the reeds. Maybe he'll become a water dog after all.

Here are a bunch of pretty, pretty lake pictures and goofy, goofy dog pictures.

Deb and Diane's pup, Watson.  

 Belle, the beautiful.

Mmmm, tastes like brine shrimp.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Moose Hates Treadmills

Each day this week, I've set out to run. I leapt out of my bed (ok, I stumbled out) and rushed to the window. What did I see? No, not popcorn popping, but wind. Yesterday, I watched my neighbors trashcan blow by my window. Running is hard enough, I can't do it in a crazy windfest.

Because the place where I live feels an awful lot like the first few minutes of the Wizard of Oz lately, I called up my Grandparents-in-law to bum off of their treadmill. I found myself in their basement surrounded by medals that they have won in races and a slew of first place plaques and trophies. I'm not sure if it made me run any faster, but it was good inspiration.

Michael's Grandma even turned on a tv for me. I better get a subscription to this place. I suppose I did marry one of their most lovable grandsons--that's like a gym membership.

On how marriage is like a gym membership:

1. When you first begin, everyone is really supportive
2. You get a new accessory (rings / plastic keychain pass)
3. They tend to go together.

Pre-wedding: gotta fit in this dress. 

Post-wedding: gotta lose this weight that I gained from using all my new baking appliances. 

(PS, If you google "baking appliances love," you get the above photos. The second photo is called "Happy Asian Couple Baking Muffins" and the first one is called "Hot Dates in Your Very Own Kitchen" in case you were interested)

4. Finally, it takes a lot of paperwork to get out of it

Moose simply did not understand what I was doing. Mom, why are you running inside? Also, how can I run with you. 

He stared at me the whole time, with occasional bouts of whining, and a few dicey attempts to join me on the treadmill -- that probably would have looked a little like this. Poor guy, it will stop being so windy and start snowing buckets soon enough -- then we can frolick, Mooser.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Astronomy and a Movie

One day last week, Michael surprised me with a date. I know, I was shocked too. In the spirit of this spontaneity, I planned a date a few weeks in advance.

We went to Brevies to listen to an astronomer talk to us about how crazy asteroids are...tumbling into our atmosphere and the like. It was entertaining and the food was pretty good too. After the lecture, we watched 'When Worlds Collide.' If you have 80 minutes, you should really check it out. My favorite part is definitly the last scene. I should call some modern filmmakersnand and suggest that they reintroduce large scale matte paintings. 

The last scene of the movie, features the main characters walking out it to the new world. When we walked out of the theaters it was snowing like crazy--it was almost as if we'd walked out into a new world. Bam!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Let's see if I can blog during my ten minute break?

PS- loving my new job, although my few weeks off spoiled me. I forgot how hard 40 hours is + teaching. When am I supposed to shower? 

I've been scrolling through my iPhone and I've decided. That this fall has been pretty fun so far. <-- hated that alleteration, by the way. 

Lots of hiking in Millcreek.

Pipe line.

Dog Lake.

We took a trip to Memory Grove, where the Moose dog can run around. Such a pretty little spot. 

Moose on the loose.

One day, we went to the fair grounds at 5:50 am. Does that sound like the beginning of a horror story, or what? We volunteered at the Super Pet Adoption that Best Friends Animal Sanctuary puts on. By the end of the three day event, they adopted out 260 dogs! There were a lot of puppies that needed to be let out of cages early on the morning. It was pretty hilarious to see Michael walking chihuahuas, three at a time.

It was really rewarding to hear how many of these sweet dogs found families. 

As I look through this, I realize that I'm a big puppy-focused. Just when you thought I should change my blog's name to 'dog-face' though, I refinish a table. 


It looks a lot better. Suddenly al those scratches are 'character.'

Gotta love Pinterest. 

Happy fall. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Forgotten Post

I meant to post this entry about a month ago, but it never went through. Oops!

Labrador Retreivors love the water Wikipedia says, "The labrador Retriever's coal repels water to some extent, thus facilitating the extensive use of the dog in waterfowl hunting."

My dog does not hunt waterfowl very often, but you would think that he could step it up. I mean, COME ON, MOOSE. This dog, loves the water and is best friends with an elephant!

Bubbles and Bella the Dog

When we first got you, you were afraid of tennis balls and all other things that might be thrown, but we got past that. Now you're an excellent fetcher -- we still need to work on that whole "bring the ball back after fetching," but you know... You also liked to chew up board games, pillows, and occasionally relieved yourself on fresh laundry, but we've tackled those issues. Still a no go with the water though. Check out these pictures, from our yurting adventures. 

First, your dad threw you in. Tough love, you know?

Look at that posture? It reminds me of this -->

Out within 10 seconds.

Maybe we should get lessons since your best teacher is retired now.

Or, perhaps I should bid on this doggy life preserver on ebay? How embarrassing, Moose. Pull yourself together, pooch.