I'm feeling a bit energized today, because I finally was able to run (when did I become a person who
needs to run?) and I got a brand new job. Thanks to some sweet connections and a good interview, I'll be up and running in a few weeks. Feeling energized is big news in Sarahworld, because I've been feeling funky and not in a good, Bee Gees kind of way. I really needed a break after the crazy that was my last job, but my biggest problem is being stuck at home. Stuck at home leads to funk. Do you know what else leads to funk? Flu.
I am about to tell a graphic story, so if you balk at bodily fluids or the word "wan," then get out now.
Michael went to Southern Idaho to sell some sweet textbooks. He gave them textbooks and they gave him a cold. Michael then gave his beautiful, underemployed, wife a cold. I looked the cold in the face and said, "Get out of here, you," because I'm brave and I talk to my ailments. And my cold, respectfully, started to fade.
Suddenly, Michael left to go to Reno, because his job sends him to the most magical places in the world (ok, it wasn't "sudden," but I never remember what his schedule is going to be). A gross stomach flu decided that I was lonely and set up camp. Rude? Quite. Offensive? Entirely.
Then, the flu and my cold decided to be a team, set upon making my cry (and blow my nose and throw up). Have you ever had a cold
and a stomach bug? My neither. After waking up very sick in the middle of the night, I figured out how to fix all my problems. After four hours of laying on the bathroom floor/emptying my already empty stomach while Moose paced in the hallway, I called my mom. That is the solution to the flu. My mom came over and calmed my puppy down and patted me on the back while I woozily threw up some more. Stuffed nose and vomiting. Cool! My mother actually put socks on my feet for me. That. is. love. She did put Michael's hiking socks on my feet, but no one should blame her; our closet organization is not very good.
Moose, exhausted after a long night.
My worst moment came when I realized that I had to go from the upstairs bathroom to the kitchen to unlock the door (otherwise my mom wouldn't be able to come in and cure me). So, I threw up, walked down the stairs, unlocked the door, threw up in the downstairs bathroom, walked up the stairs, returning to my original position...where I threw up. You suck, flu. I'll stop talking about it now, and I promise to stop personifying viruses.
Although I only had one day of nausea, it took me a long time to start feeling better, which may have something to do with funkiness and general stress as well. Working on that. But, I'm feeling much better after running and good news. Walking out my front door seems to be all that I need. Maybe I should pack it up and live out of a motor home, or a tent, or an inflatable plastic ball so that I don't get gloomy in my house.
To sum it up, the best way to get a job is to make some great friends at 3 am in freshman dorms so that they will, later in life, tip you off about opportunities, and moms are cures for the flu.