

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Home again, home again jiggity jig.

Back to SL tomorrow! I'm actually going to travel by plane, train and automobile in one day. I will not eat green eggs and ham in any of them. I am not going to miss this, large hole in my kitchen post plumbing repair. I swear that I hear growling coming from it.

But I will miss my Oregon hair.

It just does this when I get out of the shower (thus the serene expression). Seriously. My Utah hair is considerably less Pre-Raphealite. I think I understand now why Utahans go for one of three hairstyles: 

1. The Polygamist Plait
I like braids, it's the Anne of Green Gables bouffant in the front that kills it.

2. The "Mom Blob" 
Note blob, not bob. Here articulated by Dorthy Hamil, 
it says "I have 8 kids, 45 scrapbooks, and 3 SUVs. Oh fer Heck!"

3. The Classic Utah Poof
Hair, ratted high (and mighty), this was taken at a choir concert in Highland, Utah. 
I stole it from the Facebook Coalition to Banish the Utah Poof--a worthy organization.

PS-- I'm coming home!


Jen said...

I am a mom with a bob, 3.5 kids, scrapbooks and an SUV...does that make my style a mom blob? So excited to see you! We have been counting down the days. Tangled Saturday?

Michelle Glauser said...

So I kind of stumbled here after googling "Utah poof" because this article made me gag:

Anyway, I like your blog. And I like that you live in Oregon and like the library and went to a yurt. Cool.