

Friday, September 9, 2011

A "Bloggy" Blog

I made crackers. No, really. "But Sarah, crackers come in boxes and in little plastic packets with bowls of soup," you might say. Well, you're totally wrong and completely close-minded. I made them. I may not have done much on this Friday night in Eug (pronounced yoooooj), but I did get all dressed up in my super cute apron. Then I tried to take a picture of myself. As you can see, I cut off half my face and was going for...ferocious?

I should try to put more flattering pictures of myself on my own blog. Oh well.

Parmesan Rosemary Crackers found here. Total success. I'm soooo domestic. I have to say though, I really hate when blogging cooks assume you have a Kitchen Aid mixer, or an other fancy shmancy device. "Leave the machine running" or "affix your extra foamy beaters" are not helpful parts of recipes. One recipe I looked at yesterday instructed the reader to "go out to their herb garden." Now, I know plenty of people who have herb gardens or herb planters, and I'm sure I will soon, but I thought that was kind of a silly step in the recipe. "Take off your poufy chef's hat and high heels and put on your crocs and straw hat and go out to the herb garden." I gotta write a recipe that just slips in "do a few squats while your waiting for your cookies--that way they'll be guilt free" or instruct them to check the oven every 32.5 seconds. Maybe I should write a sarcastic cooking blog instructing people how to heat up Lean Cuisines with lots of pictures. Anyway, here are my pretty crackers.

Here's what I wasn't doing:

I had a funny moment yesterday when I was talking to my Nana on the phone. She asked me about my blog (which I assume she heard about from my mom, since I'm not exactly a famous blogger) and then asked how my blog was different than "the facebook." My Nana's a pretty "with it" lady, but something about adding "the" to facebook just cracked me up. Anyway, I told her about my blog and she recommended that I be sure to dumb it down a bit, since my writing's probably too sophisticated for my friends from "the facebook." That's a very strange way of saying that she thinks I'm smart, I suppose. But, if this is too over your head, you big dummies, let me know.

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