

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pool Time is Cool Time

I'm a bit behind on this blog, but I've been missing those Arizonian (almost) in-laws that I have. I got to go visit for a weekend a while back and see those brand new little matching babies.

Here's a few pictures from our trip. So happy that I get to see them all again soon.

 Some chose to just Slip n'Run.

 She's holding her pink brush above water, so that it doesn't get wet. Obviously.

 Are you going to do it, Ellie? She'll be jumping in a few weeks--she's a better swimmer than me. Maybe I should get some pink polka dot water wings, to improve my form.

 Learning from her big sis. Look at those pudgy little fingers.

Meanwhile, Moose keeps a look out. He's not really looking out, he's just trying to get everyone to stop making fun of him--our dog is terrified of water. Good work, Moose, way to be a lab.

Those kids are so sweet sometimes. The night before I left, I went to bed pretty early. I saw a little blond head poke into the room and sneak into the room. As I jumped up to say, "grumble, grumble, go to bed." Brynn presented me with a burger king crown with hair bows all over it. "For your wedding," she said sleepily. Then, she curtsied. Should anyone have a last minute wedding headpiece emergency, I recommend Brynn; she'll stay up late into the night to make something fabulous. I have a half a mind to wear it... Needless to say, I did not yell at her, I just tried not to cry.

How lucky am I to be marrying into this awesome family?

1 comment:

Karissa said...

Awww! That wedding crown story is one of the cutest things I've ever heard.