

Monday, March 19, 2012

I Hate the Lakers

I've had a bit of a day today. I gave myself a deadline to produce some pages for my thesis. What an awesome idea, Sarah. Way to be self-disciplined. I really admire you, you said to yourself. I went past that deadline a few days ago, so I've been scrambling to catch up before my students attack me with papers to grade.

This has lead to a lot of time in my office and at my kitchen table. Hey, at least I get to use sticky notes fairly often. During this thesis-fest, my biggest consolation (besides, perhaps, video chats with Moose) has been the Utah Jazz. I love those guys, and my league pass. Thanks for winning for me, guys.

I'm going to go see them play in Portland (who knows who will be on their team by that point) in a few weeks with my parents. I've never been the odd-man-out in the crowd before, but I'll be wearing my Matt Harpring jersey, so he'll come protect me if I get attacked by angry hipsters. Ooooh, Portland joke.

Also, here's a little something I whipped up after finishing tonight.

It's Kobe. He's crying into his mask.


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