

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And All That Jazz

My parents and I went to the Jazz/Trailblazer game in Portland and we didn't get beaten up! My mom did put her sweat shirt over her jersey before going to the bathroom by herself to avoid being jumped. They won the game in the last minute which was pretty awesome. Paul Milsap agreed to be my boyfriend which was more awesome.

But, it can be argued that the extreme awkwardness of the photo below could be the most impressive part of the night. Nice lean in, Sar.

Here are a few more normal photos:

This recycling business does not happen in the Energy Solutions Arena, now does it?

You might think that they're smiling, but they're actually terrified, 
because they're being heckled.

That's better. 

Thanks for coming to see me, parents!

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