

Friday, June 1, 2012

My Real Thesis Dedication Page

I followed the University guidelines for my thesis (including silly margins and their font suggestions), which I will be submitting for good today (yes!) but I'm going to write my real thesis dedication page here.

I ran a marathon. Ok, not really (although I do know people who do that kind of thing), but a thesis is a marathon. After telling my mom about a year ago that I wasn't sure where to start, she said that it was like "deciding where to start eating an elephant." Strangely, this metaphor really works for me. I also couldn't get the phrase, "I will take it. I will take the ring to Mordor," out of my head during my thesis defense. I had the normal speaking in front of people jitters, but I had confidence in myself and my project, which I chalk up, in large part to all my people.

Thanks Michael. You are horrible at pep talks, really. I say things like, "Today was really hard." and your response is something like, "Everything is horrible, especially grad school." Then, you tell Moose, our dog, that you love him. But this commiserating attitude and your total confidence in the idea that I was telling the truth (even when I was being completely dramatic) AND that it would go away, made all the grad school stuff melt away. I ended up just missing you, which (although bitter sweet) put all the silly posters, students, and academic egoism in perspective. I'm super proud of you and all the work you've done the past few years, especially your teaching. I wish you could hear all the times that I accidentally brag about you. I think my poor friends up her are pretty sick of it :). As an art historian, though, sometimes I am so proud to be dating an artist, and to have the chance to support one in the flesh, instead of writing papers about the late and great. I'm also very happy that our phone minutes are going to drop dramatically since we get to be together. Plus, we spent last night challenging each other to guess what different books are in Barnes and Noble box sets (which once again proves that I'm smarter than you); I think that's love.

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Laura. I wrote in my little cheesy dedication page, that my parents gave me the "intellectual and emotional tools to finish this project." It's true though. I'm just wrapping up the 18th grade, and gearing up for more in the next few years. I'm not sure if this is a good thing, since (after all) I'll probably never get a job...but you two really got the "education is important" thing down. It's probably your fault, that despite my sarcasm (which is my inheritance from Mom), I think I will get a job; I suppose I blame you for my egoism, then. There are a few special moments in my life or general thoughts that I keep coming back to lately, that make me so proud of my family and so happy that I'll get to be a little closer to you all soon. 1)That time Laura wet her pants on the Oregon coast. I'm so glad that we'll get to relive that moment in a few weeks! 2) "John Stockton sends the Utah Jazz to the NBA finals!" 3) Calling card games "I doubt it" instead of "B.S" and trash cans "dumpsters". 4) The time that Dad told me that he'd rather hear me say any swear word in the book than refer to someone as a "fag." 5) The fact that you were all more nervous than me during my thesis defense. 6) Remember when you came up into my room and told me that over Thanksgiving Break we could go to the Humane Society and pick out a dog? (I'm a genius, by the way, because Rusty's the coolest.) 7) The parking lot at the dorms when I moved to college. 8) The fact that Laura remembers exactly nothing from our childhood, but still thinks it was pretty good. Challenge: I bet you don't remember the name of our backyard cafe. 9) I could go on for a really long time, but I think Laura's peculiar pronunciation of the word "mayonnaise" pretty much sums up how I feel about our family. Anyway, I like you all very much and that's not something that everyone gets to say about their family, so thanks.

Thanks Jen, Seth, Morgan, Chloe, Brynn, Ellie and Callie, I know you didn't move to Oregon to hang out with me, but it sure felt like it sometimes. I'm going to miss certain parts of school, but the thing that will be the hardest to leave is your cute family. I've never been so happy to be woken up at 6:00am, since I usually wake up to Ellie laughing or Morgan hugs. Even though its not the most restful vacation, it's ridiculously fortifying (and not just because you feed me). I am so happy that I get to be part of your lives and watch the little one's grow up--it is so crazy that Ellie is turning one tomorrow, but I also find it so amazing to watch their personalities and characters shaping up. Those are some amazing kids. I know my way to your house, though, so I promise to visit whenever possible.

Thanks Becky and John, and all of Michael's awesome family. I am so lucky that my doofy boyfriend has such an amazing family! Since the moment I arrived on the scene, you've all made me feel like a part of the family, but more than that, I've felt like I could absolutely be myself around all of you. I'm so excited to eat dinner on Sundays, go to breakfast (I might be hungry, based on the food themes), and watch John and Becky lift cars over their heads, and practice changing clothes quickly (that's what triathletes do, right?), and mostly just see all your happy faces. Thanks for all the support you've given Michael and I throughout this grad school adventure!

Thanks Jackson. For taking care of my family while I  go read books, they officially like you more than me by now. I'm so glad that we're going to be roommates, even though Michael is coming too.

Thank you Mandy Moo. Gah, you're the best. I just like you so much. You're the opposite of Michael when it comes to both pep talks (you rock) and jumping pictures. I so appreciate your honesty and openness with me--it makes me feel like I can tell you anything and that you're telling me everything. Arts Festival?

Thanks Manda. As Michelle Branch might say, you-ou-ou-ou get me, you get me. We might be on exact opposite ends of the country and in very different programs, but I think, if anything, this pesky distance has brought me closer to you. I might be living through your life a little bit right now--Spain, much? It doesn't matter how much we see each other or even how much we talk, I know you're right where you should be in spirit--which is, of course, dancing with me in some sort of hallway in the middle of the night.

I'm suddenly realizing that this is the most ridiculously long blog post ever. So. I'm going to pick up the pace. I'm so excited to see so many people as I move forward in my life. I get to meet a little baby named Grayson (I might even say hello to his parents), an Ashley who is going to go climbing with me and be my friend and let me hang out with her sister, lots of boys who kind of like me and so on.

I am also very thankful for some of the people here. I moved away from my original purpose, which was to thank people in reference to my thesis, but I'm going to jump back to thank my adviser (who certainly does not read my blog, but it's the thought that counts) for telling me that he "learned a lot" from my thesis and letting me pop into his office with random thoughts (no really, I once asked him "what is plastic?" which led to a half an hour conversation and we were not using any sort of mind altering substances). What a kind man. I also have so many GTFs, which stands for Graduate Type Friends that relish in art historical humor, which is one of my favorite kinds, and have treated me with oodles of respect and are genuinely happy for my small successes. I have to especially thank Hannah, who always had my back, and not just because we sit back-to-back in our office :). Thanks for being SO easy to talk to about all my little problems and all my big dreams and for showing me Henri, the French cat, which has been my go to pick-me-up lately.

Anyway, thanks everyone out there, blog readers certainly belong on my thank you list. Operation Thesis is over!

Here's a few picture that I took on a hike last weekend, since blog posts without pictures are strictly forbidden. I was trying to clear my head before my defense, but I ended up running into two professors (what are the odds?). I resisted the urge to dive into the bushes though :).

Ferns anyone?

Gah, so pretty.


Laura Joy said...

The Petals and Piano Cafe, duh

Linday said...

Sarah- Congrats babe, what an accomplishment, so so happy for you and even more happy to see you soon!
Lindsay, Scott and Baby G

Josefina Kirby said...

I think a thesis is not complete unless there you give acknowledgment and dedication to everyone who you think really helps formulate and keep the inspirations flowing. And this thesis abstract example of your dedication would certainly be good for those people who you forget to include on your paper.