

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Calm After the Party

Whew, we made it.

Dear everyone who as every been involved in planning a wedding,

Good work.


In my case, all that work really paid off. I'm not sure how my family/friends feel about that--since I spent the last month ordering them around--but I'm so happy with how it turned out. I'm excited to get pictures back. I'll be a postin'.

Part of me wishes that I had invited everyone I've ever met, because we had such a good time, but I also am so happy with the way it turned out that I wouldn't change a thing. I'm so proud of my family for pulling it off and I'm so happy that I was able to enjoy the day. It didn't even rain!

My post-wedding brain can't quite seem to sit still. Despite my unsubscribing from many wedding blogs (except for Green Wedding Shoes, still like that one), I still seem to be on high alert for all things wedding. I don't think I'll be joining the wedding business anytime soon though--I consider myself a reasonable person, but during wedding time? Total loon. Who would want to work in an industry where everyone is the craziest version of themselves? I'll pass on that. I'll also pass on getting married again. Best anti-divorce plan? Plan a wedding.

My griping aside, I loved our ceremony so much. I am going to post the transcript of the ceremony here, after I finish scanning it in. Our officiant, Roxanne, did such a good job and helped everyone focus on what the day was supposed to be about: a celebration of love and the conception of a new family. The only snafu? I bit too much blubbering on my part, and my putting the ring on Michael's wrong hand--we should have practiced that I suppose.

Part of our ceremony included putting letters in a box that will open on our one year anniversary -- wedding guests and Michael and I added our thoughts. Looking forward to remembering the feeling of our ceremony and wedding day when we re-read these messages.

To sum up, I feel very lucky and very married. That's a good place to be. I will share pictures and other wedding tidbits as I have time--seem to have a lot more of that time thing lately!

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