

Thursday, January 20, 2011

For sale: my body

No one panic: I haven't gotten so broke as to walk the streets. I'm not selling my eggs either ($50,000...yes, I looked it up). I am selling my hair here. I've donated twice, so nobody judge. The worst part is internet frauders. After hunting craigslist for an apartment and a job, I'm pretty good at picking them out. Mostly, if they don't speak/type English particularly well and have some sort of obscure reason for complicated payments like blindness, deaf-ness, being a very important and very rich business man who has his own private bank (wha?), or being "at sea." I've actually had all of these. In fact, I just sent this email:

I'm sorry to be unaccommodating, but, since I'm not really sure what your asking and I'm a little wary of internet scams, I'm going to go with a different buyer. If you really are an oceanographer, searching for hair to give to your British mother as a birthday present who cannot pay me regularly since you sea, I hope you find it.


Oh well, I've had some offers that sound a little more believable, who are willing to use paypal (like real people do). If you know anyone who needs, let me know. Frankly, I'm taking the best offer I have by the end of this week because I have a ziplock bag full of hair on my nightstand which is a little icky.

On another note, I like my short hair. Everyone says to cut off inches in the summer to cool off. But nothing kicks off a new year like teaching yourself how to style dramatically different hair. That's the perfect resolution: a hobby that feels great for a week and then slides into something you resent. Just kidding, I don't regret my decision at all. I've pretty much got it down though, and it's nice to spend 5 minutes blow-drying instead of 45. I do feel like a child when I try to accessorize. I haven't worn "haircessories" since age 12, so it feels like a regression to put on "clippies" and a stretchy headband. I should go to Claires! haha. Here are the two styles I've mastered. These were taken on my computer so the quality's shabby, but you'll get the idea.

 I should get back to Greek art you can see I'm smiling at my laptop in a library.


Karissa said...

LOVE your new hair!!

Erin said...

Love your curly hair. You're so cute. Also, your email made my day.