

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Responsibile Sarah

What does “responsible” mean? Is majoring in art history irresponsible? People at family reunions tend to think so...

I was at the dermatologist a few years ago and while he burned off a mole and pinched my face he jovially told me that my major was never going to make any money, but that I would probably be a really creative mom. Ugh. After telling him that my boyfriend was a writer, he laughed…and then continued to squeeze things. I know that it’s easy to hate anyone who is sticking you with pokey objects, but I really hate that guy. I got a different dermatologist.

Well, I had a conundrum; I had to chose between money and classes. I’m going to give up funding next term for the classes I want to take. When I say “give up funding” I mean I’m not going to apply for a job that would give me funding. Sarah, you might as well apply for the job. No, I’m not even going to apply, because if I got the teaching job, I wouldn’t be able to take either seminar that I was planning on. I would be forced to spend the rest of the term learning about Gothic arches and medieval church plans instead of post-feminist critical theory and surrealism with my two favorite teachers.

I think paying for one term of graduate school is ok. I also think that Gothic arches won’t make me a better teacher whereas the two seminars will. This probably sounds like whining, since most people in the humanities don’t have funding options. But! I’m going to stick it to my dermatologist (pun…get it?) and declare that responsibility sometimes goes beyond financial concerns. I’m being academically responsible. 

Maybe I can tell my kids ghost stories about surrealist artists taking drugs and messing with their unconscious-es. That’s creative right? 

On a happier note, I’m going to be whale watching this time next week with Brad and Michael! I love whales. Think about it: something that weighs 36 tons (according to Wikipedia) is just floating around the ocean. It’s the closest thing to a dinosaur I’ll ever see, and I’m stoked. Plus, Finding Nemo whale impressions will make for an entertaining afternoon. Can’t you just see Michael yelling hello to a whale, while Brad bounces like a small child. I’ll record it, for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about. 

Don’t worry, it’s not very expensive Mr. Dermotologist. Man, I hate that guy.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Just consider your decision academic and artistic integrity. You'll be poor, but you're doing what you love.