

Friday, February 3, 2012

Having a Bad Day?

I have no right to be laughing so much, while hanging out by myself grading papers, but seriously Bollywood gets me every time. My Uncle Dean, who's been to India a few times himself, sent me a whole case of Bollywood movies when I was in college and I made my roommates watch them all (Bollywood=extreme bonding).
I have this incredible fondness for them, mixed with thinking they're the most over-the-top things I've ever seen. I think it boils down to this: these movies are ridiculous...and I really want to be in one. They should have live productions of this stuff.

This clip doesn't have subtitles, but it's pretty much "Someday my Prince Will Come." There are so many things to look out for--astro turf, gokarts, precocious couch-jumping. My favorite moment comes at 2:32. I'm going to go watch it again.

You're welcome.


Lookirby said...

Haha this brings back memories, although I don't know if this beats the pyramids and see through shirts of Sophomore year.

Michelle Glauser said...

My favorite Indian music video: