

Monday, June 25, 2012

Matches in Shoes

Michael and I spent our last day in Oregon watching four munchkins. When I say 'watching' I mean 'trying to keep up with'. It was so fun and so exhausting. My worst moments were when I found Ellie holding a corn on the cob skewer (hello deadly) and when Brynn changed her clothes for the fourth time. Highlights included a trip to a secret park, which really was a secret because Michael and I didn't know where it was, and slap jack.

At the end of the night, we put Brynn (3) in her parent's walk-in closet so her oh-so-helpful older sister couldn't continue to sing her to sleep with a song I've decided to call 'We are in our beds,' since that was the beginning of each line. Come to think of it, that song is quite similar to the song her Uncle Michael made up his morning called 'He's the Moosiest Dog in the World.' Anyway, when we checked on Brynn a few minutes later she had lined up all of her mom's shoes in a row (OCD much?) and was putting an individual match in each shoe. In conclusion, Michael and I let the kids play with pokey things and matches--so, best Aunt and Uncle ever.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thank you, thank you a million times over! It was so nice to get away!