Our bedroom isn't pictured due to a bookshelf project and my choice to wash the sheets today, rendering it unphotographable.
The Office, formerly known as Moose's room, was inspired by doing Pinterest searches for "double offices." The only thing we had to buy for this room was the shelf (IKEA) and my chair and the corkboards (only $6 at Target).I must be reading too many blogs, since I feel the need to report the price of everything...
I love the shelf. I gave us a chance to display Darth Tater, the elephants my Nana gave me, HP, Starzz memorabilia (represent!), and some fake plants--don't judge, I bet you don't want to stand on a swivel chair with a watering can either.
When I took this picture the camera recognized Ringo's face--I suppose his is the most, erm, pronounced.
The Main Room, has a dining annex, kitchen, door to the balcony, and living room. It took me a lot of frustrating moments figuring out how the room should fit together (which included a temporary hatred of IKEA, who wouldn't let us return the chaise lounge when we thought it wasn't going to work), but I really like it now. I might need a large, glass vase thing from Pier 1 for my birthday (hint, hint), though, because that little glass vase looks very sad and small.
There's laundry through that closet--I'm completely spoiled and I'll never be able to go back to laundry in the building.
Spicy! Golly gee, I'm pin-worthy. IKEA spice racks+sand paper+spray paint = c-rafty.
Hanging on the balcony, gossiping about Moose.
My super herb ladder, which will probably get its own post when I finish staining it.
I spray painted the coffee table top as well, but I'm not sure if it was quite as successful. It did cover up the moving scratches though.
I told you about the vase.
Our house guest, Rusty, fits right in. That couch used to be at his house, after all. Note to self: get. a. lampshade. That big blanket was the first thing I ever bought with a paycheck. It was $62.54 and I got it with my Papa Murphy's mad money in September of 2004. Ha!
You might have noticed a furry something in the bottom of the screen in the wide shot above, that's Bear, I had been moving him all around to get him out of the picture, but he snuck up on the lounge and stole my paper.
Sarah, it seems that you have a lot of free time, you say. What gave me away? The loooong blog post? Was it the ten minutes I spent propping the bear up to make it look like he's reading the paper? Damn, thought so.
Well, I have an interview at a place that rhymes with the ShmUtah Museum of Fine Arts tomorrow. And I'm starting a serving job on Saturday to 1) get me out of this apartment 2) give us the means to start attacking our debt, Dave Ramsey style 3) supplement the ShmUMFA job and teaching at Utah State. Even though I'm back to waiting tables...I think if by the end of next week I've managed to get a teaching position and a museum position (even thought they're both part time), I'll be stinking proud and consider making a T-shirt that says "My Master's Degree is the Coolest" or maybe "Education Sensation" with an arrow pointing to my face. This fair city isn't the easiest place to find jobs in arts organizations. I suppose someone should start some new arts organizations, eh? Maybe that will be my next T-shirt goal. "Art: IN YOUR FACE, UTAH." Woah-that took an aggressive turn.
1 comment:
I LOVE it!!!! Your apartment is wonderful and I love that chaise lounge! Also, you must tell me where you got the very long shelf for your office.
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