

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ironing on the Beach

My future in-laws (well, one branch of them) are crazy people; let me rephrase, they're crazy dedicated, crazy worker-outer, crazy goal achievers. Don't believe me? Here's a picture of Becky and John swimming last weekend.

 I'm pleased to announce that I'll have a front row seat to their craziness when they compete in Ironman Canada next Saturday. That's right-I'm the supporter of international athletes. It's going to be great, eh? (That was a Canadian accent joke, for the record.) I am very excited for multiple reasons, most of which include the chance to throw "international" in front of every mention of this trip. Watch this: I can't work tomorrow, I'm catching an international flight; I need to pack for my international vacation. Ooh! this too: I would love to help you with that, but I'll be out of the country. Gah, I know you're impressed.

I only wish my many planning attempts for this trip which included different travel buddies, from Michael to Mandy to Mom to Moose, all feel through, because then I could say, "We will be out of the country," but I'm excited to go, I'll just have to work on yelling as loudly as possible all by myself.

We hung out on the beach while they swam and tried to get a family photo, but Moose the Scamp wouldn't go for it.
That's his pink tongue in the picture, but not his cute face. At least he made us laugh. "Sarah," you say, "maybe he just doesn't know how to look cute in pictures." Au contraire--take a look at this:

What a beach dog.

1 comment:

Karissa said...

For our honeymoon we went to Mexico and I loved saying things like, "Once this semester is over I'm leaving the country!" or, "I'm sorry boss, I can't help you with the holiday baking because I will be out of the country!"

yea. It's the best.