

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I went on a hot date with Ashley last night--no really, we shared a cheesecake, took in a show, and I met her family. I think our relationship is getting serious...

I accidentally spelled Wicked "W-h-i-c-k-e-d" in a text message, so that's how I will be pronouncing it for the remainder of this blog, in case you care to join me.

First, we embarrassed ourselves by taking overly enthusiastic pictures under the marquee. It might seem like no one is paying attention to us, but there is quite the crowd of bemused and befuddled onlookers behind the camera.

Then we watched an INCREDIBLE show with pretty amazing costumes. It might not have had the vocal prowess of the original production, but the acting was very good. I'd listened to the soundtrack quite a few times (I was once Lindsay's roommate, which was second-hand listening, and it became my unofficial anthem while I was writing my thesis), but it was fun to watch the story come together.

I spent most of last night wondering why I wasn't starring as a flying monkey on Broadway--every little girl's dream, though, I suppose. I've resolved to create a "go see things" penny jar so I can do these types of things more often.

Thanks for the date, Ash! I've just realized that we should have tried to get the marquee to say "Wicked," right now it looks like we really enjoyed a production of artTix.

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