Michael's birthday is the 14th of December. The poor kid has to wait all year for gifts (poor girlfriend has to come up with two presents within two weeks). It was really fun to be home with Michael for his birthday. He got super duper slippers and a coffee maker from his parents--he must be a writer.
I got him this super cool tee shirt from cafepress.com. It's true; he
is an unreliable narrator.
On his actual birthday we watched Lord of the Rings extras...so it was pretty much my birthday too. Also, if anyone thought Michael and I were cool, this proves them wrong.
Our Christmas tree hunting was a little late this year because Laura just got home from finals. Today we went to Cactus and Tropicals, where Laura's "working." I say that sarcastically because the place is so pretty that it's more of a relaxation exercise than a job. I gotta get on that...
I love having a real tree in the house. I also think the Christmas tree fields in Oregon are beautiful and I imagine that I can see the oxygen oozing out of them. Support growing trees! even if it's to cut them down, put them in the livingroom and bedeck them with popcorn. Anyway... \
Awwww, Laura and her moss unicorn--a Christmas classic.
Told you: relaxation exercise.
We stood next to every tree, and finally decided that we looked best next to this one. Just kidding. It is really pretty though. I'll let you see the finished, decorated product.
My dad told Francisco, the tree helper, that he could do it himself. Take that Francisco.
So far, I'm really enjoying being home and can't wait for the extended family to come home. I do keep having vaguely guilty feelings since I'm not doing anything art historical. That's what the rest of the year is for, right?